Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM <p class="Body">Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun (JPKM Tunas Membangun) diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta adalah <em>peer-reviewed journal&nbsp;</em>yang memuat artikel-artikel ilmiah dari berbagai disiplin ilmu yang diadopsi dalam berbagai aktivitas pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan penelitian terapan lainnya. Artikel-artikel yang dipublikasikan di JPKM Tunas Membangun FEB UTP meliputi hasil-hasil penelitian ilmiah asli, artikel ulasan ilmiah yang bersifat baru, atau komentar atau kritik terhadap tulisan yang ada dimuat di JPKM Tunas Membangun FEB UTP maupun dalam terbitan berkala ilmiah lainnya.&nbsp;JPKM Tunas Membangun FEB UTP menerima manuskrip atau naskah artikel dalam bidang riset terapan dan hilirisasi hasil penelitian ilmiah kuantitatif maupun kualitatif berbasis komunitas kedalam format pengabdian masyarakat yang mencakup bidang keilmuan yang relevan mencakup:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Sosial</li> <li class="show">Kependidikan</li> <li class="show">Sains</li> <li class="show">Keolahragaan</li> <li class="show">Bahasa</li> <li class="show">Bisnis dan Ekonomi&nbsp;</li> <li class="show">Teknik dan Kejuruan</li> <li class="show">Kesenian</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US pengmasfeb@utp.ac.id (Zandra Dwanita Widodo) pengmasfeb@utp.ac.id (FEB UTP) Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Strategi Parafrase dan Penggunaan Aplikasi Mendeley Sebagai untuk Menulis Karya Ilmiah https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/2360 <p>Dalam menulis karya ilmiah, kemampuan memparafrase sangat diperlukan untuk menghindari praktik plagiarisme. Parafrase juga telah digunakan untuk membantu pemahaman, merangsang pengetahuan sebelumnya, dan membantu pengembangan keterampilan menulis. Selain kesulitan dalam memparafrase, mahasiswa PGSD UTP Surakarta juga ditemukan masih banyak yang tidak bisa menulis referensi dengan baik dan benar. Mahasiswa seringkali menulis nama lengkap penulis ketika mensitasi dalam tulisan mereka. Tidak jarang mereka juga menulis referensi di luar kalimat. Juga, mahasiswa juga kesulitan dalam menuliskan daftar pustaka. Oleh karena itu, pelatihan <em>paraphrase</em> dan pengunaan aplikasi Mendely sangat penting untuk dilaksanakan.</p> Diyah Nur Hidayati, Mohammad Ali yafi, Luncana Faridhoh Sasmito, Yuni Ambarsari, Aan Budi Santoso, Ninda Beny Asfuri Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/2360 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN SANTRI PONPES AD-DHUHA SUKOHARJO https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3871 <p><em>In Indonesia, the number of entrepreneurs is still limited compared to other countries such as Vietnam and Malaysia, so it is necessary to produce people who want to become entrepreneurs. One way is to provide education and skills to students. Islamic Boarding School Ad-Dhuha equips its students with entrepreneurial skills. The students are taught to have business units and sell, but the sales system used is still traditiona they selling directly or visiting people's homes. This certainly needs to be improved by providing training and assistance to students to sell online by utilizing social media and Google My Business. This activity aims to increase sales and disseminate information more widely so that it is hoped that the students will be able to manage their own businesses.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Atik Lusia, Fajar Budi Setiawan, Dwinanda Ripta Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3871 Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EVALUASI DAN PENERAPAN SISTEM PENGGAJIAN STUDI KASUS PADA CV MAKMUR ABADI https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3880 <p><em>The aim of this service activity is to find the problems faced by CV Makmur Abadi and offer solutions to the problems faced, namely regarding the payroll and recording system which is still manual. The method used is qualitative, namely discussion and observation at the location. The result of this service activity is to find 2 solutions that can be implemented by CV Makmur Abadi, namely (a) The manual payroll system used by CV Makmur Abadi is less effective and efficient because it has the potential to cause errors, data processing also takes a lot of time and is prone to employee payroll errors. (b) The system using Microsoft Excel for recording sales, cash receipts and disbursements is considered less effective because it is difficult to search for past history because you have to search one by one in the Excel file.</em></p> Arif Farida, Anita Zulaikhah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3880 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Webinar mengenai Strategi Adaptif: Membangun Yayasan yang Responsif terhadap Perubahan pada Yayasan Gema Insan Amanah https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3901 <p><em>This webinar aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the importance of organizational change in the digital and globalization era. This webinar discusses the challenges faced by the Gema Insan Amanah Foundation in adapting its organizational strategy to remain responsive to change, as well as the role of Pelita Bangsa University students in supporting this transformation process. The reason for choosing the topic is the importance of adaptive strategies so that the Gema Insan Amanah Foundation remains relevant and effective in facing dynamic changes and empowering Pelita Bangsa University students to support this transformation. Participants in this webinar are Pelita Bangsa University students and members of the Gema Insan Amanah Foundation, who are exploring adaptive strategies to face the dynamics of an ever-changing environment. Through presentations, discussions, and question and answer sessions, resource persons introduced participants to various managerial approaches, human resource development, and technological innovations relevant to increasing foundations' responsiveness. The webinar results showed high enthusiasm from participants, characterized by active participation and positive feedback on the content presented. Participants gain practical insight into how to manage organizational change, the importance of effective communication, and the role of technology in supporting foundation transformation. Small group discussions and quiz sessions also help deepen participants' understanding and produce innovative ideas that the Gema Insan Amanah Foundation can implement. The results of this webinar highlight the importance of collaboration and innovation in facing change and show how students can contribute significantly to supporting the transformation of the Gema Insan Amanah Foundation.</em></p> Fitri Madani, Ratna Anggun Pratiwi, Adnan Fachrul Reza, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3901 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Webinar Pengabdian Masyarakat mengenai Transformasi Nilai dalam Manajemen Perubahan https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3902 <p><em>This webinar addresses the critical need for effective management practices in today's dynamic business environment. This topic was selected for its relevance in preparing future leaders to navigate and drive organizational change. This webinar targets Pelita Bangsa University students and presents experienced practitioners from PT. Indofarma Tbk., provides valuable industry insights. This method involves structured phases: planning, implementation, and evaluation, focusing on interactive learning through keynote presentations and case studies. The results significantly improved students' understanding of value transformation and change management principles. Participants reported increased confidence in applying these concepts, enhanced critical thinking skills, and a greater appreciation for strategic policymaking and innovation. Quantitative feedback indicates a high level of engagement, while qualitative data highlights the practical application of the knowledge gained. Despite a few technical challenges, this webinar successfully bridged the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world practice. This webinar provides an important learning experience essential for developing effective future leaders. The success of this initiative underscores the importance of integrating practical industry insights into the academic environment. Continued efforts to expand and refine these webinars can further improve students' readiness to face the challenges of modern business management.</em></p> Muhammad Iqbal Ismail, Ellin Marlina, Lintang Cahya Adhi Putra, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3902 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Berbagi Pengetahuan mengenai Berbicara Perubahan dalam Organisasi melalui Webinar Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3903 <p><em>This webinar discussed the importance of change management skills among Pelita Bangsa University students. This topic was chosen due to the increasing need for young professionals to adeptly manage and navigate organizational change in today's dynamic business environment. The webinar featured the President and Co-Founder of Bringing Change, a non-profit youth organization focused on empowerment, who also serves as Deputy Manager in the United Nations Community Forum Division of the Indonesian Association. Service methods include expert presentations and interactive Q&amp;A sessions designed to enhance understanding and implementation of change management strategies. The results showed significant improvements in participants' knowledge, attitudes, and confidence levels regarding organizational change. Participants reported increased employability, better understanding of policy formulation, and positive changes in social attitudes towards proactive change management. Despite difficulties such as ensuring active virtual engagement and technical issues, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, indicating the webinar's success in achieving its goals. Practical insights and interactive elements facilitate a comprehensive learning experience, bridging the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application. This webinar effectively empowers students with the skills necessary to handle organizational change, enhancing their career readiness. Participants' positive impact and input highlight the importance and potential for further developing these community service activities. This initiative underscores the importance of integrating experiential learning opportunities within the academic environment to better prepare students for future professional challenges.</em></p> Amelia Sri Rizki, Rafi Aurelian, Ela Liana, Nur Afifah Fadhilah, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3903 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Webinar Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat mengenai Implementasi Manajemen Perubahan pada Warehouse Operation Section: Pendekatan Berbasis Nilai https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3904 <p><em>This article details a webinar aimed at Pelita Bangsa University students. This topic was chosen due to the increasing need for effective change management strategies in warehouse operations, a critical component in logistics and supply chain management. The webinar, led by Mr Satrio Tri Heriyanto, Head of Warehouse Operations, utilized a combination of lectures, case studies, and interactive question-and-answer sessions to equip students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Pre- and post-webinar surveys and qualitative feedback were used to measure the impact on participants’ understanding, attitudes, and readiness to apply change management principles. The webinar results showed a significant increase in students’ knowledge and confidence in managing warehouse operations. Participants reported a deeper understanding of value-based management principles and their application in real-world scenarios. Additionally, this webinar improves problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills. These outcomes improve students’ employability and prepare them to contribute effectively in their future workplaces. This webinar successfully bridges the gap between academic learning and practical application, highlighting the importance of integrating industry-relevant topics into educational programs. Positive feedback and measurable improvements underscore the value of community service activities in enhancing students’ professional readiness and potential future contributions to the logistics and supply chain industry.</em></p> Satrio Tri Heriyanto, Faza Nailul Izzah, Devi Fitriyani, Cindy Fathika Sari, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3904 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Berbagi Pengetahuan mengenai Menghadapi Tantangan dan Menciptakan Kesempatan Baru Perubahan dalam Organisasi melalui Webinar PKM https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3905 <p><em>This activity was initiated to overcome the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application among Pelita Bangsa University students. The rapidly evolving business environment requires that future professionals be equipped with the skills to manage organizational change and identify growth opportunities: Mr. Pepen Komarudin, Assistant Manager at PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor was a resource that provided valuable insights and real examples. These webinars use a combination of structured presentations, interactive sessions and practical case studies to engage participants and facilitate effective learning. This method involves surveys before and after the webinar to measure changes in participants’ knowledge, confidence and attitudes toward organizational challenges. Quantitative data showed significant improvements in understanding and trust, with 90% of participants reporting increased readiness to face professional challenges. Qualitative feedback highlighted the webinar’s impact on students’ motivation and clarity regarding their career paths. The results show immediate benefits regarding knowledge gain and confidence, with long-term professional and economic growth potential. This study underscores the importance of integrating practical and experiential learning opportunities in academic curricula to better prepare students for the complexities of the modern world of work. The successful implementation and positive outcomes of this webinar highlight the value of the initiative in cultivating a proactive and resilient mindset among students. Future developments may include more interactive elements and advanced mentoring programs to enhance the learning experience further and ensure continued impact.</em></p> Pepen Komarudin, Anggi Maulana, Indri Nur Nabilla, Depi Permatasari, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3905 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Webinar: Penyelesaian Konflik di Tempat Kerja https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3906 <p><em>Conflict in the workplace is a common phenomenon that can harm employee productivity and well-being if not appropriately handled. This webinar was held to increase the understanding and skills of Pelita Bangsa University students in managing conflict in the work environment. The resource person is Mrs. Veni Novita from PT. Misumi Indonesia shares practical insights regarding types of conflict, their causes, and conflict resolution techniques such as mediation and negotiation. Service methods include delivering material via the Google Meet platform, interactive discussions, and evaluation using pre-tests and post-tests and participant satisfaction questionnaires. The evaluation results showed an increase in participant understanding by 25% and a high level of satisfaction with the material and resource persons. This activity also indicates changes in students' attitudes and readiness to deal with workplace conflict. This webinar is essential because it provides practical knowledge to increase students' employability and help them adapt to a dynamic work environment. In conclusion, this webinar succeeded in achieving the goal of community service by providing short-term positive impacts and potential long-term benefits for participants. Further development is recommended to increase the effectiveness and reach of future activities.</em></p> Veni Novita, Rinda Septiani, Devi Yulia Sartika, Haura Callista Sajidah Ardila Putri, Rachma Tryadzanita Salsabila, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3906 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Webinar: Kepemimpinan dalam Hubungan Industri yang Konstruktif https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3907 <p><em>This webinar was held to increase the knowledge and leadership skills of Pelita Bangsa University students. This topic was chosen because of the critical role of a leader in building a positive and sustainable corporate culture, which is very relevant to the needs of today's world of work. The service method is an interactive webinar with presentation, discussion, and question and answer sessions. Mr Heri Heryana, General Manager of Karawang Tourist Village, was the main resource person who provided practical insights and real case studies. The findings of this activity demonstrated a notable enhancement in participants' comprehension and proficiency in leadership tactics and the formation of corporate culture. Pre-webinar and post-webinar questionnaires and assessments of the discussions assessed this. Participants also showed a change in attitude to be more proactive and motivated to apply the knowledge gained in the context of their organizations. This webinar successfully achieved its objectives. However, there were several weaknesses, such as limited time for group discussions and technical challenges related to internet connections. The results of these activities are essential because they provide short-term positive impacts and can potentially contribute to the long-term development of the individuals and institutions concerned. In conclusion, this webinar effectively improves student leadership qualities and contributes to developing a strong and sustainable corporate culture.</em></p> Triyani Triyani, Roni Marsis, Ananda Rizki Ulfa, Idin Mukhidin, Adam Hilmi, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3907 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Webinar: Memahami Konflik Organisasi https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3908 <p><em>Conflict in organizations is an unavoidable phenomenon and often becomes a challenge in maintaining work effectiveness. This webinar was held as a form of community service, aimed at increasing understanding and conflict management skills among Pelita Bangsa University students. This topic was chosen considering the importance of the ability to handle conflict effectively in an increasingly complex world of work. The methods used in this webinar include the presentation of material by expert speakers, discussions, and relevant case study simulations. The evaluation was carried out through pre- and post-webinar questionnaires, as well as qualitative interviews to assess participants' understanding and changes in attitudes. Results showed a significant increase in participants' understanding of conflict resolution concepts and techniques. Participants also reported positive changes in their ability to communicate and collaborate in the workplace. The advantage of this activity is the participatory and interactive method used, although there are disadvantages in terms of limited time to study the material. This activity has great potential to be developed further with additional duration and more in-depth practical training sessions. In conclusion, this webinar succeeded in achieving its objectives and provided significant benefits for participants in the short and long term. Further development of this activity can have a broader and more sustainable impact, and contribute significantly to improving conflict management skills among students and young professionals.</em></p> Fauzi Wahyu Zamzam, Mia Aulia Hikmah, Dela Fitriana, Devi Herlina, Mu'mina Najmi, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3908 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Webinar Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat: Peran Strategi Seorang Leader Membangun Corporate Culture https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3909 <p><em>This article discusses community service activities in the form of webinars. The choice of this topic is based on the company's critical role in improving employee performance and satisfaction, as well as its contribution to the organization's overall success. In an increasingly competitive context, a leader must be able to design and implement effective strategies to build a positive and productive company. The method used was an interactive webinar involving leaders from the Karawang Tourist Village as resource persons. This webinar was held online to reach a wider audience. During the activity, participants were given an understanding of the critical role of a leader, as well as concrete strategies that can be applied in various organizational situations. The results of this activity show that participants gained new and deeper insight into the importance of the role of a leader in building a healthy company. Many participants stated that they were inspired to implement the strategies discussed in their respective organizations. An interactive question-and-answer session also allows participants to ask specific questions and get solutions directly from experts. The conclusion of this activity confirms that the webinar on the strategic role of a leader in building corporate culture is a very relevant and valuable topic. This webinar provides new knowledge and motivates leaders to be more active in creating a conducive and productive work environment. These results demonstrate the importance of future similar activities to continue supporting positive organizational development.</em></p> Heri Heryana, Anggi Rangga Sudrajat, Fonika Priyatna, Nur As Syifa Sani, Irwan Darmawan Munajat, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3909 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Berbagi Pengetahuan dalam Webinar mengenai Organizational Leaderships for Young Generation https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3910 <p><em>Organizational leadership is a vital aspect of individual and organizational development, especially for the younger generation who will become future leaders. This topic was chosen considering the importance of increasing leadership capacity among students, which is the main pillar of national development. This webinar aims to disseminate knowledge and leadership skills to Pelita Bangsa University students. The service method used is a participatory approach, involving presentations from resource person Mrs. Sahla Sabilla, interactive discussions, and case studies. Pre- and post-webinar surveys showed significant increases in participants' knowledge and motivation, with 85% of participants feeling more confident in taking on leadership roles. This activity also encourages changes in social behavior, such as increasing collaboration and participant initiative in forming study groups and joint projects. Despite technical challenges and limited discussion time, positive feedback demonstrated the effectiveness of this webinar. The results of this activity show that a participatory approach in leadership education can have a significant positive impact. The conclusion of this service emphasizes the importance of providing relevant and interactive leadership training for the younger generation to prepare them to face future challenges. It is hoped that this activity can become a model for other community service programs and make a real contribution to developing the leadership capacity of the younger generation.</em></p> Sahla Sabilla, Dila Afrilla, Nabila, Sri Sofia Andesti, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3910 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Berbagi Pengetahuan: Kepemimpinan itu Sangat Penting https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3911 <p><em>This community service webinar was held to increase understanding and leadership skills among Pelita Bangsa University students. The choice of this topic is based on the urgent need to strengthen students' leadership abilities, which is an essential factor in their personal development and future careers. The service method used included a presentation from an experienced resource person, Mrs. Nuri Suryanti, and a question-and-answer session conducted via the Google Meet platform. The questionnaires and in-depth interviews significantly improved participants' self-confidence, managerial abilities, and communication skills. In addition, participants also reported direct application of the skills learned in their internship projects, part-time jobs, or full-time jobs, which positively impacted their performance and productivity. Although several obstacles, such as time constraints and lack of direct interaction, additional materials distributed to participants helped overcome these obstacles. In conclusion, this webinar succeeded in providing a significant positive impact and has excellent potential for further development through follow-up workshops and online modules. These results emphasize the importance of community service programs in equipping students with the skills necessary to become influential leaders and positively impact their communities.</em></p> Nuri Suryanti, Panji Prasetio, Dyo Saginata Adirama, Linh Gresya Simangunsong, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3911 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Berbagi Pengetahuan dalam Webinar mengenai Budaya Kerja Sehat dan Positif: Dalam Tinjauan Terapan Strategis untuk Optimalisasi MSDM yang Modern dan Mandiri https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3914 <p><em>This webinar was held as part of community service with a focus on increasing understanding of the importance of a healthy and positive work culture. This topic was chosen because of its high relevance to the challenges of the modern world of work, which requires quality human resources and a work environment that supports employee welfare. The service methods used include interactive presentations and discussions, which are designed to provide in-depth and practical learning experiences for participants. The resource person, Mr. Muhammad Hidayat Muti, Senior Manager of Human Resources &amp; General Affairs at PT Timas Suplindo, shared insights and practical strategies that have been implemented in his company. Evaluation of activities showed positive results, with increased knowledge and awareness of participants regarding healthy and positive work culture. Indicators of success include increased questionnaire scores before and after the webinar, as well as positive feedback from participants. The conclusion of this activity shows that the webinar succeeded in achieving its stated objectives, namely providing practical knowledge and increasing awareness about the importance of a work culture that supports mental and physical health. Thus, this activity makes a real contribution to preparing students to face the competitive world of work. Further development is recommended to deepen the material and increase interactivity to ensure a more significant and sustainable impact.</em><em>Budaya Kerja</em></p> Muhammad Hidayat Muti, Dhea Zellytami, Lenny Agustina, Putri Astuti, Novi Lisdayanti, Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3914 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SOSIALISASI PEMANFAATAN MARKETPLACE SEBAGAI SARANA PROMOSI WARUNG MAKAN DI MOJOSONGO https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3881 <p><em>The socialization of community service activities for Tunas Development University students, Faculty of</em></p> <p><em>Economics and Business, targets Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) which operate in the food and beverage sector in the Mojosongo area. This food stall business has been around for a long time since 2015. However, its promotional activities are still very simple and not accessible to many people. For this reason, we help these MSMEs to become better known to the public and can increase sales for the better. By providing training on the use and creation of marketplace accounts as a means of promotion on digital media. The output resulting from the service is a marketplace account and MMT banner. With training on using the marketplace and making MMT banners, it is hoped that it can support and increase sales for MSME players.</em></p> Adinda Ika, Maulana Wati, Nofisatun Nur, Rustam Zarkasi, Sulton Tahta, Williano Luthfi, Ziskasela Sudarsono, Achmad Choerudin, Zandra Dwanita Widodo Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3881 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pemasaran Digital Sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menengah Keripik Cumi Cumi di Desa Bekonang https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3882 <p><em>Currently, the snack industry in Indonesia continues to experience very rapid development, especially </em><em>chips which are one of the favorite products. These squid chips are a processed product from one of the SMEs owned by Mrs. Heni Purwaningsih in Bekonang village. The main basic ingredient of these chips is wheat flour which is then added with other supporting components. The marketing opportunity for these chips is very large, but there are obstacles in the marketing process for these chips. Therefore, we are trying to help Mrs. Heni Purwaningsih's UKM in marketing its products. Because we believe that this chip product has enormous potential in the market, we created a platform on social media, namely Instagram and Tik-Tok, for marketing online and offline. We collect data through community service which is carried out directly at the production house.</em></p> Ale Pratama Canavaro, Devi Triana, Mawar Dimas Sopianti, Meilan Ardita Cahyani4, Nasywa Isra’ Mirais, Rahmadanti Prima Dewi, Riska Kusuma Anjani, Salsabilla Yusika Anjany, Muhammad Dimas Aji Prasetya, Habil Danar Wiyudha, Zandra Dwanita Widodo, Susilaningtyas Budiana Kurniawati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3882 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENDAMPINGAN PENENTUAN PROMOSI DAN HARGA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PRODUK RESTORAN TAMAN PRINGSEWU JOGJA https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3887 <p>Promotion is a form of marketing communication, marketing communication is marketing activities that seek to disseminate information, influence or persuade and increase the market. The goal of a promotional activity is that the product always accepted, purchased and gets loyalty from consumers. This service focuses on improving the quality of sales of the Taman Pringsewu Jogja Restaurant through well-structured and organized promotional media. It is hoped that the results of this activity will ensure that food or culinary sales in Pringsewu are always sustainable and have qualified in terms of taste and elevate the quantity of food sales.</p> Liman Sidik Ramdani, Dwinanda Ripta Ramadhan, Atik Lusia Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Tunas Membangun https://ejournal.utp.ac.id./index.php/TM/article/view/3887 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700