Berbagi Pengetahuan dalam Webinar mengenai Budaya Kerja Sehat dan Positif: Dalam Tinjauan Terapan Strategis untuk Optimalisasi MSDM yang Modern dan Mandiri

  • Muhammad Hidayat Muti PT Timas Suplindo
  • Dhea Zellytami Pelita Bangsa University
  • Lenny Agustina Pelita Bangsa University
  • Putri Astuti Pelita Bangsa University
  • Novi Lisdayanti Pelita Bangsa University
  • Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Pelita Bangsa University
Keywords: Work Culture, HRM, Organizational Theory, Knowledge Sharing, Community Service Webinar


This webinar was held as part of community service with a focus on increasing understanding of the importance of a healthy and positive work culture. This topic was chosen because of its high relevance to the challenges of the modern world of work, which requires quality human resources and a work environment that supports employee welfare. The service methods used include interactive presentations and discussions, which are designed to provide in-depth and practical learning experiences for participants. The resource person, Mr. Muhammad Hidayat Muti, Senior Manager of Human Resources & General Affairs at PT Timas Suplindo, shared insights and practical strategies that have been implemented in his company. Evaluation of activities showed positive results, with increased knowledge and awareness of participants regarding healthy and positive work culture. Indicators of success include increased questionnaire scores before and after the webinar, as well as positive feedback from participants. The conclusion of this activity shows that the webinar succeeded in achieving its stated objectives, namely providing practical knowledge and increasing awareness about the importance of a work culture that supports mental and physical health. Thus, this activity makes a real contribution to preparing students to face the competitive world of work. Further development is recommended to deepen the material and increase interactivity to ensure a more significant and sustainable impact.Budaya Kerja
