Berbagi Pengetahuan mengenai Menghadapi Tantangan dan Menciptakan Kesempatan Baru Perubahan dalam Organisasi melalui Webinar PKM

  • Pepen Komarudin PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor
  • Anggi Maulana Pelita Bangsa University
  • Indri Nur Nabilla Pelita Bangsa University
  • Depi Permatasari Pelita Bangsa University
  • Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Pelita Bangsa University
Keywords: Knowledge Sharing, Change Management, Change in Organizations, Community Service, Webinars


This activity was initiated to overcome the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application among Pelita Bangsa University students. The rapidly evolving business environment requires that future professionals be equipped with the skills to manage organizational change and identify growth opportunities: Mr. Pepen Komarudin, Assistant Manager at PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor was a resource that provided valuable insights and real examples. These webinars use a combination of structured presentations, interactive sessions and practical case studies to engage participants and facilitate effective learning. This method involves surveys before and after the webinar to measure changes in participants’ knowledge, confidence and attitudes toward organizational challenges. Quantitative data showed significant improvements in understanding and trust, with 90% of participants reporting increased readiness to face professional challenges. Qualitative feedback highlighted the webinar’s impact on students’ motivation and clarity regarding their career paths. The results show immediate benefits regarding knowledge gain and confidence, with long-term professional and economic growth potential. This study underscores the importance of integrating practical and experiential learning opportunities in academic curricula to better prepare students for the complexities of the modern world of work. The successful implementation and positive outcomes of this webinar highlight the value of the initiative in cultivating a proactive and resilient mindset among students. Future developments may include more interactive elements and advanced mentoring programs to enhance the learning experience further and ensure continued impact.
