Berbagi Pengetahuan mengenai Berbicara Perubahan dalam Organisasi melalui Webinar Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

  • Amelia Sri Rizki Pelita Bangsa University
  • Rafi Aurelian Community Forum Division United Nations Association Indonesia
  • Ela Liana Pelita Bangsa University
  • Nur Afifah Fadhilah Pelita Bangsa University
  • Raniasari Bimanti Esthi Pelita Bangsa University
Keywords: Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Change, Webinars, Community Service


This webinar discussed the importance of change management skills among Pelita Bangsa University students. This topic was chosen due to the increasing need for young professionals to adeptly manage and navigate organizational change in today's dynamic business environment. The webinar featured the President and Co-Founder of Bringing Change, a non-profit youth organization focused on empowerment, who also serves as Deputy Manager in the United Nations Community Forum Division of the Indonesian Association. Service methods include expert presentations and interactive Q&A sessions designed to enhance understanding and implementation of change management strategies. The results showed significant improvements in participants' knowledge, attitudes, and confidence levels regarding organizational change. Participants reported increased employability, better understanding of policy formulation, and positive changes in social attitudes towards proactive change management. Despite difficulties such as ensuring active virtual engagement and technical issues, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, indicating the webinar's success in achieving its goals. Practical insights and interactive elements facilitate a comprehensive learning experience, bridging the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application. This webinar effectively empowers students with the skills necessary to handle organizational change, enhancing their career readiness. Participants' positive impact and input highlight the importance and potential for further developing these community service activities. This initiative underscores the importance of integrating experiential learning opportunities within the academic environment to better prepare students for future professional challenges.
