Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset Tanah Berbasis Webgis di Kota Tegal
Land assets as government assets, need to be managed efficiently. This research aims to design a land asset management information system based on WebGIS for Tegal City. Currently, Tegal City faces various challenges in land asset management, such as data limitations, overlapping ownership, and a lack of adequate information technology integration. The developed system named SI ASNAH, utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to provide spatial visualization of land assets, facilitating real-time monitoring of ownership status and land use. This research methodology includes the collection of land asset data owned by the Tegal City, user-friendly system design, and WebGIS implementation. The results of the implementation indicate that GIS can expedite the data validation process, enhance the accuracy of asset information, and improve coordination among related agencies. Additionally, this system provides easier and faster access to information for stakeholders. The application of this system is expected to support more sustainable and effective urban development, as well as provide a strong foundation for decision-making in land asset management in the future