Journal of Community Capacity Empowerment <p align=" justify">This journal publication aims to disseminate thoughts and implement ideas and research results that have been produced by lecturers, students and the community. The Journal of Community Capacity Empowerment (JCCE) is published twice a year, namely in February and August. The Journal of Community Capacity Empowerment (JCCE) specifically focuses on the publication of the results of community service in the socio-economic field which includes aspects of:<br>- Education<br>- Agriculture<br>- Science and Technology<br>- Economy and Business</p> Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta en-US Journal of Community Capacity Empowerment 3025-2318 Entrepreneurship Training About Business Plan Fisheries In Kediri <p><em>Empowerment is an activity that provides materials and training to participants to make their lives more prosperous. The aim of this empowerment is to provide education to the community regarding businesses in the fisheries sector in urban areas. The method for this empowerment is by delivering material, questions and answers, as well as practice in filling out a draft business plan outline. The result of this empowerment is that participants gain knowledge about the things needed in a business plan, such as research, creating a company profile, determining business goals, preparing supporting documents, explaining business details, making a marketing plan, adapting to the target market, and making a feasibility analysis. business</em><em>. </em></p> Erlin Widya Fatmawati Indah Yuni Astuti Nastiti Winahyu Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Capacity Empowerment 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 2 2 43 49 10.36728/jcce.v2i2.3442 Assistance Innovation In Organic Waste Management As A Hydroponic Media Substrate Building A Green Future <p>Organic waste management is becoming increasingly important in responding to current global environmental challenges. In this context, this community service aims to explore the potential for using organic waste as a substrate for hydroponic media in building a greener agricultural future in a sustainable system. The use of organic waste as a substrate for hydroponic media has great potential in supporting plant growth, because it contains available N, P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>, K<sub>2</sub>O and C-organic nutrients which are sufficient for plant growth and development. Plants grown in organic waste-based substrates show comparable or even better growth compared to plants grown in conventional substrates. The use of organic waste in hydroponic farming also has a positive impact on the environment. More effective management of organic waste helps reduce environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This community service program has also succeeded in increasing public awareness and knowledge about organic waste management and hydroponic technology. Thus, the use of organic waste as a substrate for hydroponic media offers great potential in improving organic waste management, increasing agricultural productivity, and reducing negative impacts on the environment. This activity makes a real contribution to building a more sustainable agricultural future and contributes to global efforts in facing increasingly complex environmental challenges.</p> Sapto Priyadi Endang Suprapti Tyas Soemarah KD R. Soelistijono H. Haryuni A.F. Azies B. Daryanti Siti Mardhika S. Yusuf Nur Shodiq Benny Nugroho Awang Alanusa Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Capacity Empowerment 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 2 2 50 57 10.36728/jcce.v2i2.3684 Education of Waste Cooking Oil Processing into Aromatherapy Candles for 2 Junior High School Karanganyar Students <p><em>Waste is a complex problem and an important challenge for the sustainable development of a circular economy and can have social, environmental and economic impacts. This service aims to provide education to students so that students can have high knowledge and awareness of waste processing and can utilize used cooking oil waste to make aromatherapy candles. This service was carried out at 2 Junior High School Karanganyar on Thursday, June 20 2024. The service method was socialization and direct practice in making aromatherapy candles. Students have the skills and are successful in making aromatherapy candles according to the material presented by the speaker. This activity succeeded in increasing students' awareness and knowledge regarding household waste management. Students showed high enthusiasm in following the process of processing used cooking oil waste into useful products such as aromatherapy candles, while also expressing their creativity in this process. Positive support from teachers also contributed to the successful implementation of this waste treatment. </em></p> Arbianti Arbianti Mutiarra Ridyo Arum Agung Prasetyo Norbertus Citra Irawan Teguh Supriyadi Wiyono Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Capacity Empowerment 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 2 2 58 64 10.36728/jcce.v2i2.3866 Empowering Communities Through Capacity Building Dental And Oral Health Screening And Counseling In Kedungwinong <p><em>The main issue for the elderly is the loss and damage of many teeth, leading to difficulties in chewing food. The most common cause of tooth loss is poor oral health, particularly dental caries and periodontitis. Elderly individuals often neglect oral hygiene and frequently complain of dental issues such as loose teeth, cavities, or swollen gums.</em> <em>The purpose of empowering communities through capacity building was to increase awareness of the importance of maintaining overall health, dental and oral health, and to assess the level of knowledge and the status of dental and oral health among the residents of Kedung Winong. The proposed solution to the problem is to increase residents' awareness of maintaining dental and oral health, enhance their knowledge of proper tooth brushing techniques, promote the habit of brushing teeth at appropriate times, and raise awareness about the importance of regular health check-ups as a preventive measure against chronic diseases. Methods of oral health counseling and examinations was chosen to solve the problems.</em> <em>The counseling and examination activities for the community in the Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah branches in Kedungwinong, Nguter, Sukoharjo, were successfully implemented, with enthusiastic and cooperative participation. The activities effectively raised awareness about the importance of dental and oral health.</em></p> Aprilia Yuanita Anwaristi Cahyani Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Capacity Empowerment 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 2 2 65 69 10.36728/jcce.v2i2.3771 Improving Understanding of Climate Change Through "Climate Change Training" for Junior High School Students <p><em>Climate change is an important educational issue that contributes to sustainable development. Students in urban areas play an important role as key contributors in mitigating the worsening climate change. This activity aims to increase the understanding of climate change among junior high school students in urban areas. The method used is a classical face-to-face approach with socialization and games using climate flashcards to convey information related to climate change. The evaluation results showed that the students' average knowledge of climate change reached 74.3%, but there was a lower understanding, namely 34.6%, related to adaptation and mitigation efforts. This finding shows that although the students' knowledge level is quite high, a comprehensive understanding of climate change is still lacking. Through this training, an increase in students' understanding of 93% was recorded, indicating that the socialization and game method using climate flashcards was effective in improving students' comprehensive knowledge of climate change. Therefore, this "understanding of climate change" training can be an effective model for climate change education for students</em></p> Mahananto Mutiarra Ridyo Arum Arbianti Kusriani Prasetyowati Wiyono Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Capacity Empowerment 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 2 2 70 78 10.36728/jcce.v2i2.3838 Community Service Eco-Pounding Brajan Village, Brajan District, Mojosongo District, Boyolali District <p><em>Eco Pounding is a fabric dyeing technique that uses natural materials such as </em><em>leaves, flowers, or branches to create fabric motifs. This technique is done by </em><em>pounding natural materials onto the fabric using a hammer, so that the colours or motifs produced on &nbsp;the fabric match the original texture or shape of the natural materials used. Eco pounding is &nbsp;an eco-print technique that uses natural materials to create motifs on fabric, and this &nbsp;technique is very easy to do and uses materials that can be found around. Shibori Arashi &nbsp;dyeing technique is a fabric dyeing technique that utilises bonding and dyeing to determine &nbsp;the motif on the fabric. In this technique, the fabric is patterned using a pattern that has been &nbsp;made then crimped according to the pattern, then tied firmly using rope or rubber. After that, &nbsp;the fabric is dyed in a dye made from indigo leaves. Shibori Arashi dyeing usually produces &nbsp;striped motifs.</em></p> Viola Rahmana Wanda Julisna Dimar Prabawati R Soelistijono Daryanti Siti Mardhika Sari Achmad Fatchul Aziez Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Capacity Empowerment 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 2 2 79 82 10.36728/jcce.v2i2.3859