• Joko Sulistiyono Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta (UTP)
  • Teguh Santosa Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta (UTP)
  • Slamet Santoso Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta (UTP)
Keywords: Bottom Passing Learning Outcomes, Volleyball, Audio Visual, Exercise Variations


The research objective to be achieved is to improve the learning outcomes of volleyball under Passing through Audio Visualization Media and Exercise Variations in fifth grade students of Public Elementary School 2 Pelem Gabus Grobogan academic year. The method used in this research is the Classroom Action Research method using a cycle model. The research was carried out at Public Elementary School 2 Pelem Gabus Grobogan with a total of 26 students. This Classroom Action Research was conducted through the stages of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Data was collected using test and non-test instruments in the form of action instruments, and field notes. the results of the analysis obtained a significant increase from cycle I and cycle II.
The results showed: Modification of using audio-visual media can improve the learning outcomes of Lower Passing Volleyball in Class V Students of Public Elementary School 2 Pelem Gabus Grobogan. From the results of the analysis obtained a significant increase from cycle I and cycle II. In the initial conditions of completeness achieved by Class V students of Public Elementary School 2 Pelem Gabus Grobogan only 4 students or 15.38% while students who have not completed 22 students or 84.62% in the results of learning volleyball under passing in cycle I in the complete category are as many as 14 students or 53.08%, while the number of students who did not complete was 12 students or 47.1%. In the second cycle there was an increase in the percentage of student learning outcomes in the complete category as many as 22 students or 84.62% while students who did not complete 4 students or 15.38%. With the achievement of thes results, it is hoped that it can provide benefits for researchers, teachers, schools and students, especially Class V students at Public Elementary School 2 Pelem Gabus Grobogan.


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How to Cite
Joko Sulistiyono, Teguh Santosa, & Slamet Santoso. (2022). EFFORTS TO IMPROVE VOLLEYBALL BOTTOM PASSING LEARNING OUTCOMES THROUGH THE USE OF AUDIO VISUALIZATION MEDIA AND VARIATIONS IN EXERCISES FOR CLASS V STUDENTS. Journal Of Indonesia Sport Education and Adapted Physical Education (JISEAPE), 3(2), 64-71. https://doi.org/10.36728/jiseape.v3i2.3059

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