of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology2025-01-09T15:50:23+07:00Kukuh Kurniawan Dwi Journal Systems<p>Journal Of Civil Engineering And Infrastructure Technology is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of civil engineering. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.</p> PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN KALSIUM KARBONAT (CACO3) DAN CANGKANG KERANG TERHADA KUAT TEKAN PADA LOW CEMENT CONCRETE (LCC)2024-12-27T16:00:49+07:00Cindryasih Rahma Putricindryputri@gmail.comDian Arumningsih<p><em>Indonesia is a country committed to equitable development in all regions, including underdeveloped areas. The influence of sustainable development has encouraged the use of cement and its use is increasing every year. This can be damaging to the environment, as for every million tons of cement produced, one million tons of CO? gas is generated and released into the atmosphere. considering that 8-10% of total CO? emissions worldwide come from cement production. This study solves this problem by using an environmentally friendly and economical low-cement concrete using calcium carbonate and innovative mussel powder. Calcium carbonate (CaCO?) is a raw material for Portland cement and does not go through the combustion process, so it can be used as an environmentally friendly concrete alternative. Clam shells contain a lot of calcium (CaO) and are alkaline. In addition, it also contains silica and aluminum oxide, so it has the potential to be a substitute for cement materials. At this stage, the mixed design stage is carried out based on SNI 7656-2012. The tests carried out showed optimal results in each innovation, namely the provision of 15% calcium carbonate and 20% shells, resulting in an average compressive strength of 28-day-old concrete of 27 MPa, 34 MPa, 37 MPa, and 38 MPa. It can be concluded that LCC calcium carbonate and shells have the highest compressive strength, 7.4% higher and able to compete with normal concrete</em></p>2024-12-09T13:28:30+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Study Of Drainage Evaluation Study Of Drainage Channels As An Effort To Manage Floods In Badran Asri Karanganyar Regency2024-12-27T16:00:50+07:00Fahri Husainifahrihusaini2602@gmail.comPaska Dinasty<p>Badran Asri Hamlet in Cangakan Village, Karanganyar District, often experiences flooding and inundation, this is due to the drainage channels being classified as poor and starting to experience a decline in the quality of the drainage channels so that they are unable to accommodate runoff water. The aim of this research is to evaluate flood management efforts and the problems that exist in the area. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive, namely by first conducting a survey at the research location and then analyzing the data obtained. After evaluating the 10-year flood discharge of 25 channels in Badran Asri Hamlet, Cangakan Subdistrict, there were 13 channels that did not meet domestic flood discharge capacity and 12 channels that still met domestic flood discharge capacity. As an alternative, improvements need to be made by re-planning by increasing the capacity of the drainage channel in the form of a new channel as a flood management solution so that a channel discharge is obtained that is able to meet the domestic flood discharge capacity.</p>2024-12-09T13:30:42+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology PENGGUNAAN ALAT BERAT PADA PEKERJAAN TANAH PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN HOTEL MOXY SURAKARTA2024-12-27T16:00:50+07:00Wisnu Wregas Astungkorowisnuwregas0101@gmail.comGatot Kurniawan Dwi<p><em>In construction projects, implementation requires heavy equipment to expedite all stages in process. The use of heavy equipment serves to shorten project implementation time and optimize a job. Therefore, the use of heavy equipment in construction projects is expected to accelerate expected work. The use of heavy equipment in construction projects is expected to facilitate existing work and heavy equipment to be used must be selected in an efficient and economical manner. A heavy equipment combination used in earthworks on the Moxy Hotel development project on Jl. Slamet Riyadi, Keprabon, Banjarsari District, Surakarta City is a Kobelco CAT 320D excavator, a Canter 120 Ps dump truck and a Jove JVR 180 D bore machine. The methods used in this research are survey methods and analytical methods. The survey method is used to determine number of heavy equipment in field, heavy equipment type while analytical method is used to determine time heavy equipment is used in the Moxy Hotel Development Project in Surakarta. After an analysis of variations in the duration of heavy equipment that is appropriate and can be used optimally is an alternative because it is more effective and efficient than the calculation of composition analysis and in the field, the time required is also more optimum. With an alternative composition of heavy equipment, namely 1 unit of excavator and 4 units of dump trucks for earthworks, and for foundation drilling work, 2 units of bore machines are needed.</em></p>2024-12-09T13:32:15+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology PERKERASAN KAKU (RIGID PAVEMENT) RUAS JALAN KARANGASEM, KECAMATAN TANON KM 5+100 – 8+100 DENGAN METODE PD T–14–20032024-12-27T16:00:51+07:00Abi Baskoro Hemawan SusilaAhemawansusilo@gmail.comTeguh<p><em>Tanon District is about 14 Km from the district capital Sragen. The beauty of the Tanon sub-district can be seen from the environment that is still maintained and beautiful, plus the friendliness and wisdom of the local residents. This road is a connecting road between Purwodadi-Gemolong-Tanon-Sidoharjo-Sragen. This road section is an effective route used by heavy vehicles and commercial vehicles from the Sragen area to the Gemolong area because it can shorten the travel time. Therefore on this road section it is necessary to carry out road repairs so that traffic can run well and smoothly. The analysis is carried out in several steps. The first step is to collect CBR (California Bearing Ratio) and LHR (Average Daily Traffic) data. The second step is to calculate the rigid pavement design. After that, the calculation of the thickness of the concrete slab is analyzed using the SNI Pd T-14-2003 method. The results of the calculation analysis for Rigid Pavement Planning for Karangasem Road Section, Tanon District KM 5 + 100 – 8 + 100 Using the PD T – 14 – 2003 method, the calculation results for the subgrade CBR value = 4.5%. The results of the pavement thickness calculation obtained 10 cm thick foundation and 16 cm thick concrete slab. And the calculation of the reinforcement we get longitudinal reinforcement ø9 – 250 mm, transverse reinforcement ø8 – 350 mm, dowel bar spokes ø28 – 450mm, spacing 300mm, length mm, tie bars ø13 – 650 mm, spacing 700 mm</em></p>2024-12-09T13:38:22+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology VARIASI KONSENTRASI BAHAN TAMBAH FLY ASH DAN TERAK BAJA DITINJAU DARI KUAT TEKAN BETON2024-12-27T16:00:52+07:00Tina Fitriadewitinafitria79@gmail.comKusdiman Joko<p><em>Concrete as the basic material of the structure in the construction of buildings is composed of hardening a certain mixture of water, cement, and aggregate. Concrete material is familiar in the field of Civil Engineering, because almost every building uses concrete as the main structure and complement, be it bridges, water buildings, or buildings. Because concrete is a composite material, the quality of concrete depends on each of the forming materials (Tjokrodimuljo. K,1996). This study used fly ash and steel slag added materials. In this study using an experimental method that aims to determine the effect of adding fly ash and steel slag levels with a percentage of fly ash 10% and steel slag 20%, fly ash 20% and steel slag 10% from the use of cement and fine aggregates and using conventional concrete as a comparison , and the cement water factor is determined to be the same in all variations, which is 0.45. Until thel used is cylindrical (d = 15cm; h = 30cm), the quality of concrete is planned to be 20 MPa. The number of samples is 18 pieces, each variation consists of 6 pieces tol, 3 samples for concrete compressive strength aged 7 days and 3 samples for concrete compressive strength aged 28 days. In the slump test, there was a reduction in the slump value, which was 12 cm for conventional concrete, 11 cm for variation I concrete mixture and 8 cm for variation 2 concrete mixture. The results of the compressive strength test showed an increase in maximum compressive strength at the age of 7 & 28 days with a percentage of fly ash 20% and steel slag 10% which was 19.91 MPa & 29.82 MPa and the lowest compressive strength occurred in conventional concrete, which was 16.32 MPa at the age of 7 days and 25.19 Mpa at the age of 28 days. With a percentage increase of 15.5% from conventional concrete</em></p>2024-12-09T13:39:21+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology KINERJA STRUKTUR GEDUNG RUMAH SAKIT 7 LANTAI 1 BASEMENT DI SEMARANG DENGAN ANALISIS DINAMIK LINEAR RESPONS RAGAM DAN RIWAYAT WAKTU MENGGUNAKAN ACUAN SNI 1726:20192024-12-27T16:00:52+07:00Nur Khotimah Mukti Dwi<p><em>Structural planning in buildings must be carried out correctly to avoid structural failure. Hospital Building 7 Floor 1 Basement is a building which is a public health facility and is a building in Risk Category IV. This building was planned using the old earthquake regulations, namely SNI 1726:2012, so it needs to be evaluated using the latest earthquake regulation standards, namely SNI 1726:2019. This evaluation is carried out to ensure that the structure still meets the standards of the new regulations. The analysis procedure used is linear dynamic analysis of variance response and time history using 4 earthquake records, namely the Duzce, Iwate, Whittier and Chichi earthquakes. Structural analysis was calculated using ETABS V.21 software in a 3-dimensional model. The results of the analysis carried out are base shear and displacement values. Based on the research that has been carried out, it is concluded that the structure has torsional irregularities, internal corner irregularities, irregularities due to shifts perpendicular to the plane, heavy irregularities, and excessively weak story irregularities due to discontinuities in the lateral strength of the story. In addition, it was concluded that in the response analysis procedure the various deviation values did not meet the deviation between permit levels for structures with risk category IV starting on the 2rd floor. Meanwhile, the deviation values between levels produced in the time history dynamic analysis procedure met all floors. The difference in deviation results between the variance response and time history analysis procedures is due to the time history analysis using deviation values based on the combined displacement response which takes into account unexpected torque.</em></p>2024-12-24T12:53:53+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology EFISIENSI REHABILITASI SALURAN IRIGASI PADA DAERAH IRIGASI BATANGHARI UTARA KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TIMUR2024-12-27T16:00:53+07:00M. Gilang Indra Rahmandhani<p>Rehabilitasi saluran primer sepanjang 20 km pada tahun 2023 di Daerah Irigasi Batanghari Utara, Lampung Timur dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan distribusi air yang tidak optimal. Debit air irigasi tidak mampu untuk mencapai saluran sekunder hilir mengakibatkan kekurangan air pada lahan pertanian bagian tersebut. Hal ini akibat kebocoran saluran yang selanjutnya mengganggu distribusi debit air irigasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas rehabilitasi saluran dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan distribusi debit air irigasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis neraca air untuk mengetahui kondisi kesetimbangan ketersediaan air dan kebutuhan air irigasi dan pemodelan hidraulika dengan menggunakan HEC-RAS untuk memodelkan distribusi air dengan dimensi saluran pasca rehabilitasi. Analisis debit kebutuhan didasarkan pada pola tanam eksisting padi-padi-palawija dan masa tanam 120 hari. Skenario pemodelan hidraulika yaitu pada saat neraca air surplus, neraca air defisit dan neraca air ekstrim. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa neraca air surplus sebesar 8.707 m<sup>3</sup>/s pada bulan februari pola tanam padi distribusi air mencapai saluran sekunder hilir G12, neraca air defisit sebesar -8.141 m<sup>3</sup>/s pada bulan mei pola tanam padi distribusi air mencapai saluran sekunder G4 dan neraca air ekstrim sebesar -5.264 m<sup>3</sup>/s pada bulan november pola tanam palawija distribusi air mencapai saluran sekunder G1. Berdasarkan analisis neraca air dan pemodelan menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan utama tidak meratanya distribusi air karena debit ketersediaan tidak mencukupi debit kebutuhan pasca rehabilitasi saluran primer.</p>2024-12-16T10:40:38+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology MODEL TARIKAN PERGERAKAN DI PASAR DEPOK JAYA2025-01-09T15:50:23+07:00Maya Fitria<p><em>The Depok Jaya Market, located in the city of Depok, has a relatively high level of activity. The travel attraction in Depok Jaya Market in this study was conducted through a survey method using questionnaires to determine socio-economic characteristics. From the research results, there is a high level of activity in Depok Jaya Market, a shopping center with a building area of ± 2,332 m2, capable of attracting 700 visitors per day. The obtained data were processed using SPSS software by conducting correlation tests, and then regression analysis was performed to obtain equation models. From the regression analysis results, a multiple regression model was found consisting of Y1 = 16.667 + 0.006 (X5) with a coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.758, Y2 = 10,000 + 0.003 (X5) with a coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.273. This model explains that the independent variable influencing the magnitude of vehicle travel attraction is the parking area (X5). Then, from the primary data, a multiple regression model was obtained consisting of: Y1 = 0.437 + 0.244 (X5) + 0.155 (X6) + 0.531 (X11), which means Cleanliness (X5), Price (X6), and Length of Visit (X11) collectively influence 40.9% on Last Visit; Y3 = 0.437 + 0.244 (X5) + 0.155 (X6) + 0.531 (X11), which means Cleanliness (X5), Price (X6), and Length of Visit (X11) collectively influence 40.9% on Visit Intensity (Y2); Y4 = 1.225 + 0.581 (X11), meaning that the last visit influences 33% on the data for the length of visit.</em></p>2024-12-24T13:00:29+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology